…and Maintenance.
Nothing is More Important in the Business World These Days than a Good Website.
What constitutes a good website? We at RTB call it the 3 Eees: A website must be Efficient, Effective, and Engaging. A good website designer and maintenance specialist has these concepts perfected.
Design is not everything. More often than not, a little bit of website design must be sacrificed for the 3 Eees. Let’s explain the parts of a website so this makes sense to you.
The Front End of Website Design.
This is what you see when you search the internet and land on a website. The “look” of the website. Yes, it is important that your website look attractive and appealing, but what users are looking for the most in today world is a website that will get them what they are looking for as quickly as possible. This is where “Efficiency” must be constantly considered when designing a website. If a viewer cannot find what they want in 3 seconds or less, they will go elsewhere. Such is the downside of the world we currently live in.
Once a viewer lands on your website Home page, what is going to keep them there and make them want to learn more? “Engagement” is the bottom line of any website design. Your website is basically worthless if it doesn’t engage your viewers effectively.
The Back End of Website Design.
This is the side of websites that users never see. The nuts and bolts of how a website functions; and yes, this is the most important aspect of any website. This is where a webmaster has to constantly be in tune with whether or not their design is “Effective”. Questions every website designer must ask themselves are:
• Have they incorporated the 3 Eees to the best of their ability?
• Without sacrificing the branding ?
• And have they achieved the goals of the business?
Website Maintenance.
Rock the Boat Marketing will work with you to achieve all of these things in your website design. But let’s not forget website Maintenance. A website will lose all of its effectiveness and usefulness if not properly kept up to date and maintained. It will simply fade into internet oblivion. Some aspects of website maintenance need to be performed monthly and some can be done annually, but all must be done or all the money you have spent on creating your website will be for nothing after a couple of years.
A Few of Rock the Boat’s Client Websites as Examples:
DC Hardwood Flooring is now known as being the best hardwood flooring company in Colorado and Southern Wyoming. We (the owner and Rock the Boat Marketing – then called Redstone Marketing) took this company from it’s humble beginnings in 1994, molded it, structured it, and RTB marketed every single aspect of it from the very beginning of its startup process. We designed everything from company T-shirts to van decals, the website, and all the marketing in between. Take a look at their website, it is one of the most successful websites on the internet. The owner is now at the point where he doesn’t need to do any other advertising. All of it runs through his website. He gets 85% of his business from it with a high conversion rate and rate of engagement. The other 10-15% of his business comes from consistent referrals and repeat customers. Now that’s the way to market a business!
Nothing is more important to a photographer than the quality of their images. This is the most important aspect of the design of the Circkles Photography website. RTB had to bend some rules to make sure this photographer’s images remained high quality while not slowing down the website too much. Therefore, as we mentioned above, a few website bells and whistles had to be sacrificed in order to maintain the quality of the images and the loading time of the website. We kept the design of this website fairly simple for that reason. The images are why people visit this website and the quality of the photography shines through. Visit their website to see what we mean.